PPF (Paint Protection Film)

Why Is Clear Bra (PPF) Becoming So Popular

Paint Protection Film or clear bra is the talk of the town nowadays, with more people opting for it with each passing day. You might wonder why that is the case. Well, the answer is simple. Paint Protection Film allows your car to retain its shiny texture and glowing looks, while also safeguarding its exterior from any scratches or minor damage. When someone scrapes your vehicle, the paint itself doesn’t get damaged, but it is the Paint Protection Film that absorbs all the abuse. In other words, your car looks the same as it did when it first exited the dealership.

Clear bra installation is well known in the US and Europe. After all, people have realized that making a small investment in your car at the beginning can save you tons of money down the road. When you are paying for a paint job years later, you will see how getting paint protection film earlier on would have been a wise choice.

The upward trend is visible, and it seems the market size will increase much more in the coming future. But the growth wasn’t always that optimistic. If you compare the growth rate in 2021 with the trend in the last 5 years, you will realize that the detailing business grew by only 0.6% yearly. The dismal increase in the detailing industry might have disappointed some people, but now the nervousness should fade. The gears have shifted, and after 2021 you can expect the market to go even higher from its current position.

Why Detailing and Clear Bra (PPF)
are important now more than ever?

If you are a customer, you should be happy to learn that the growing industry has attracted more professionals into the business. This means more competitive prices, better service, and customer satisfaction than ever before. In other words, it has now become more advantageous to get the best (Paint Protection Film) installation on your vehicle.

Look at it as a long-term investment plan. If you get paint protection film now, you will be able to reap the benefits later when you are looking to sell your vehicle. As you know, a car’s resale value depends on its condition. So, a buyer will be looking at a well-maintained vehicle rather than one that looks shabby.

Paint Protection Film protects the exterior, and its layers do not allow any scratches to touch the original paint. So, you don’t get any swirl marks, there is no loss of shine, there isn’t any damage, and most of all your car look as good as new all the time.

Increasing Amounts of Traffic
and Pollution

There are two ways you can get scratches on your vehicle:

  • Through dust and dirt
  • Getting into a minor accident

When it comes to pollution, there is a lot of it in the atmosphere. Too much dust and dirt in the air means a huge amount of it gets deposited on your vehicle when you park outside. That is not innately harmful to your car.

The real damage happens when you try to clean that dust from your vehicle. You should never wipe away the dust with a regular cloth. Instead, you must only use a microfiber towel to clean the car’s surface. And even then, you should first use water to wash away all the excess pollutants before proceeding with microfiber.

However, the average car owner does not keep that in mind, and scratches become imminent. It is better to get a PPF, to avoid these issues.

Final Thoughts

By now you should be convinced that Paint Protection Film and other detailing services work in your favor. Everyone else thinks so, which is why the market for such services is increasing exponentially. The sooner you realize that the better.

Remember to take your car only to a professional and reputable PPF shop.

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